First-time TOEFL Exam! Self-Study Methods for Busy Workers

First-time TOEFL Exam! Self-Study Methods for Busy Workers

My First TOEFL Test

I took the TOEFL test to assess my English proficiency before studying abroad.

This was my first time taking the TOEFL test. I had an image of it being something students take to decide on a university before studying abroad. I was curious about whether there would be many young students and what the atmosphere of the test venue would be like.

Studying Methods

Since my pre-study period coincided with the summer vacation at my workplace, I prepared for the test while covering for vacationing colleagues and working at the same time. It turned out to be busier than expected, and honestly, I couldn't study as much as I thought. However, I made an effort to increase my English usage opportunities through daily activities.


For the Reading section, I tried to read news articles on topics that I came across during my commute using English sources whenever possible. Interestingly, due to my browsing history, I received recommendations related to the movie "Barbie," even though I hadn't watched the movie.


Regarding the Listening section, I watched videos on YouTube without Japanese subtitles. I've always enjoyed watching videos of students going shopping for school supplies before the start of the new school year (in many countries, this aligns with September). Checking out the new versions for the 2023 school year was exciting.

I'm looking forward to purchasing large binders or files in Malaysia that can hold school printouts and notes. These items often have vibrant and flashy designs that are not commonly seen in Japan, and they seem like they could enhance my study mood.


As for the Writing section, I hadn't been consistently writing long texts until I started studying the official study materials, as mentioned below. However, I made an effort to write comments on posts from overseas on Instagram or write English messages when contacting people I would rely on after traveling.

I believe I managed to tap into the vocabulary I accumulated during my university entrance exam days.


For the Speaking section, I would talk to myself in English about things I did at work or thoughts I had while watching TV.

It might make me seem slightly suspicious if my roommate hears me (laughs). There was a time when my husband asked me, "Why are you talking to yourself in the bathroom?"

Using Official Materials "TOEFL Go!" the Day Before

On the day before the test, I made time after work to use the official online materials provided by TOEFL, called "TOEFL Go!"

With TOEFL Go!, you can take mock tests divided into sections, and it also offers automated scoring for challenging sections like Speaking and Writing. This helps you get an idea of your own abilities.

I only had some TOEFL materials from my university entrance exam days, and I hadn't been specifically preparing for the actual test. However, using TOEFL Go! allowed me to familiarize myself with the test format and flow.

By the way, I expect my score to be higher in the Reading section, which is also emphasized in university entrance exams, and relatively moderate in other sections. I assume I'll likely get a Higher Intermediate level in some subjects and Intermediate to Basic levels in others.

It's pretty much in line with the level of the Pre-1 Eiken (English Proficiency) Test I passed last year.

Taking the Test is a Good Opportunity for Studying!

Since I had to study while working and wanted to measure my actual English proficiency before studying abroad, I didn't prepare for the test in a conventional test-focused manner. However, the act of taking the test motivated me to study.

While I wasn't studying in a targeted way for the test format, I believe that simply deciding to take the test was a good opportunity for me. I'm looking forward to knowing my score before I depart from Japan, and I'm excited to see the results.

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